I was raised on super heroes. My parents (nerds themselves to their cores) showered me with various media about maintaining a strong moral compass and fighting for what is right and good in the world. They never turned their noses up at a person who was different, and this resulted in a chosen family of various different cultures, creeds, and identities. I never had to look far in the world for who to emulate, I was given a great selection of mentors and role models.
The world we live in now feels so perilous, and I'm trying to put on my best game face without becoming too jaded or cynical. It's working out... for the most part.
I've been escaping reality a bit with the help of blossoming friendships. But even in our little fantasy worlds, we're still trying to combat the same evils in different disguises. It's easier to justify drawing swords and battle axes to take down dragons than it is to take aim at systemic oppression and hate.
I try to remember the words of a true and good friend when these times get tough:
"Should you meet resistance, take comfort, it's a great way to build muscle."