The Little Things
One of the big purposes of beginning this whole comic adventure was to convince myself to be more open and vulnerable with my day to day feelings and my life. So, here goes.
I've lately been dealing with the worst depression of my life since my uncle passed when I was in college. My episodes don't usually last as long as this time, and often I'm better able to hide it from friends and in my workplace, but its definitely been seeping into my life.
My best friend recently gave me the advice to keep a list of all of the things that make me happy. And its become a kind of mantra. Whenever I feel derailed at work, or if I feel like I want to close myself off, I just remind myself of the smallest snippets of smells, tastes, feelings, sights, or sounds that can bring me moments of joy. As I add up all of those moments, I'm getting closer and closer to filling a day with those happy reminders.